About Us


The purpose of AFC India is to glorify God through life and ministry as we seek to know Him and to make Him known to the nations.


AFCI's vision is to establish a network of highly effective teams of nationals to accelerate the Spread of the Gospel through local churches nationwide.


AFCI's mission is revival in the church, evangelism through the church, and training for the church nationwide. This is accomplished primarily through Preaching, Teaching and Training.


in ministry since


Welcome to Ambassadors for Christ India

We Are ...

Teams of nationals accelerating the spread of the Gospel through local churches worldwide. First and foremost we are nationals, working in over 20 nations. This means we are born in the nations where we minister and are committed to building long-term ministries in our own homelands. Second, we are teams of ministers. We believe that team ministry is always much stronger than the ministry of any one individual. In an increasing era of individualism, we are committed to a team approach.

We have trained over 500 pastors and leaders, and trained more than 200 young people for future leadership roles. We have established collaborations with all denominations to promote spiritual revival within the Church.


Our Pastors

Rev. Dr. Chakravarthy Charles Isaac


Rev. Jacob Christian

National Director

Rev Kiran Gamit

Bible Pastor

Transform Lives



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